Adnan Ali

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Adnan Ali is a Search Optimization, Search Marketing and Social Media Strategy professional from Lahore, Pakistan. 

Friday, March 23, 2007

Pakistan Coach Bob Woolmer Murdered

Deputy Commissioner Shields in Jamaica has declared that the autopsy report on Bob Woolmer makes murder the official line of investigation.

Meanwhile, the Pakistani team has left Kingston after being questioned and fingerprinted. It seems the ordeal has got a second life after today's revelation.

It comes as a shock to every one and the worst fears have come true. It also brings forth a pandora box of questions and the police are now investigating them.

PJ Mir, Pakistan teams Communication Manager said in an interview that Bob had complained about loosing the proofs to a book he was writing. He had asked the team members if some one had seen the package and he was a bit disturbed about that. Its only speculation whether the book was about coaching, or life in Pakistan or it revealed secrets about corruption in the game. One has to say that there is this dark thought that we may be in for further shocks before this mystery is solved.

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