Adnan Ali

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Adnan Ali is a Search Optimization, Search Marketing and Social Media Strategy professional from Lahore, Pakistan. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Exclusive Spoiler Alert: Does Harry Potter Die in the End?

It seems like the whole world is busy discussing the fate of Harry Potter. Now that the final book is out, millions are laborously going through the book page by page towards the solution.

There are many of us, readers and non-readers of the Harry Potter series, who wish to know the end before or without reading the last pages. The overall media hype is frustrating for some one like me who is a non-reader, yet slightly curious of the magic boy's fortunes.

Well I have peeked at the final pages and am proudly telling you what happens at the end. Read the full article to find out the spoiler.

All right impatient people, Harry Potter is not only well and alive but gets married, has a bunch of kids and lives happily ever after.

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