Adnan Ali

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Adnan Ali is a Search Optimization, Search Marketing and Social Media Strategy professional from Lahore, Pakistan. 

Friday, April 13, 2007

Bob Woolmer Murder Mystery : Coroner's Inquest on April 23

Pegasus hotel in Jamaica: Bob Woolmer's body was found here on March 17 2007

One month and a week after news broke of Bob Woolmer's death, we are now set to have a coroner's inquest on April 23, 2007. It will be the first time that details of what is known of Woolmer's murder and witnesses accounts will be made public. A dozen or more witnesses are also going to testify.

A coronoer's inquest is a legal inquiry into the cause of a, often violent, death.
As of yet it is not known if any one from the Pakistan squad like Inzamam-ul-Haq or Mushtaq Ahmad, key witnesses who were questioned twice, will be asked to witness at the coroner's inquest.

Meanwhile, CCTV footage recovered from Pegasus hotel has been sent to the UK for further investigation. This is somewhat disappointing because it means there is no clear view of people going in and out of Bob's room.

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